The Wirral Pencil group are a collection of amateur artists who get together every couple of months or so on a Saturday afternoon as a 'Try Pencils' session open to non-members and friends. We are looking for a CP artist willing to do either a half day demonstration, or alternatively, a full day workshop, on a Saturday in February. Numbers would probably be 15 to 20, in a spacious church hall in Irby, Wirral.
As an aside to the above, members may have missed a paragraph in my report to the Society AGM which read:
One way in which the society can assist both local groups, and also its professional or semi-professional members, is by maintaining a database of those artists willing to provide demonstrations or workshops for local groups, together (if possible) with some indication of fees charged. Any members willing to give demonstrations or workshops are asked to contact the Local Groups Co-ordinator who will provide a contact form for completion.
Please feel free to contact me about either of the above.
Alan McMahon