Yes, I know you have seen it before, but I never get tired of looking at it, and apparently neither does David Shepherd - because "Hope of Sepilok" by our very own Richard Childs has just won the "Wildlife Artist of the Year" award from the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation. Many congratulations to Richard, for winning this prize in the face of strong competition from all other media - a real push for him in particular and CP in general. The photo below shows Richard receiving his prize from David Shepherd along with those well known artists Alan Titchmarsh and David Gower.

And yes, the Executive do realise that under our proposed new rules for exhibition entry for 2009, this picture would be excluded, as it is based on a reference photograph that Richard did not take himself. Obviously this takes nothing away from Richard's tremendous achievement, and we look forward to what he can do under our more stringent, but ultimately fairer rules in future.
Also congratulations to founder-member Gary Theobald, who has a two page feature in this months Artist & Illustrator magazine (August, No 263). Gary's Gallery in Haverhill is still the only one in the country committed to promoting coloured pencil work, and of course is worth a visit if you are in the area.
And finally a competition worth entering and supporting. The website My Arts Space is running a competition in conjunction with The Cumberland Pencil Museum for images for a 2009 calendar. They ask that images submitted should be in pencils or pastels, and show some aspect of the Lake District. The closing date for entries is the end of June, though voting for entries goes on to the end of July, and so far entries are a) sparse to say the least and b) many do not conform to the rules! So we have a good chance of getting some pictures published here! Even if you don't enter, you could visit the gallery of entries and vote for the ones submitted by our members Sue Clinker and Judith Crown. Thanks to Judith for bringing this to my attention.
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