Tuesday 2 October 2012

2013 -- Early warning!!

The 2012 Exhibtion hasn't opened yet [SEE MY TWO PREVIOUS POSTS FOR NEWS], but members (and other potential exhibitiors!) need to be aware of the following:

The UKCP Open International Exhibition 2013 is being held at Patchings Art Centre, Nottingham, for a 5 week period from the 31st August to 6th October 2013. This is earlier than usual due to limited availability, so please bear in mind that we will be asking for your entry forms earlier too.

As a result we have also brought the members Keswick 'World of Colour Pencils' exhibition forward by a month to April. Hoping this gives you plenty of time to produce some more stunning work.

Assistant Exhibitions Co-ordinator

Also, if there is anyone living in the Nottingham area that would like to help with the Patchings exhibition we would be delighted to hear from you. You will not be expected to do this alone but would be be part of an exhibition team.

1 comment:

Sue Clinker said...

Wow!! Plan Ahead indeed!! thanks for the early warning


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